👨‍🏫 Facilitators: David Shimel and Brendan Donovan

🗓 4 weeks, 1 session per week, on the following Saturdays: June 1, 8, 22, 29.

🕰️ 2 hours per session, 1 PM - 3 PM

🗺 Location: Merlin’s Place at 248 McKibbin St, Brooklyn

💰 Tuition tiers: $600 (Standard), $1000 (Accelerator: includes two 1-on-1 video calls with each facilitator to go deeper on your music). We also have a limited number of scholarships available, so if you’re interested in receiving financial aid, please fill out this form. Protip: your employer may offer you a continuing education budget to spend on classes such as this one!

👥  Enrollment: 20 students, in-person.

📋 Apply here: https://airtable.com/appqj7FQhKgCdLnWM/pagJsr7xx8XjWkcLp/form

💡Prerequisites: Completed David’s EDM Production 101 course, or has published/posted/shared music online (SoundCloud is fine), or received facilitator permission.

A FractalU Summer '24 workshop.


Are you an NYC-based music producer looking to level-up your ability and output? Consider joining our summer songwriting workshop at Fractal University. We can provide the motivation and inspiration you need to finish that EP or album and polish off those demos collecting digital dust on your hard drive. In this 4-week long, in-person workshop, you will receive detailed feedback (both creative and technical) on your WIPs from experienced instructors that will help you elevate the quality of your songs, along with actionable insights to help you speed up your workflow and streamline the songwriting process. Weekly in-person sessions means you'll have an accountability group of fellow producer/artists and a structured schedule including deadlines to help keep you on track.

This workshop is open to music producers of all levels of experience. No matter how new or experienced you are, you will find value in the personalized feedback, motivation, inspiration, and insights you will receive from this workshop.

The facilitators specialize in Ableton, but users of other DAWs are also welcome and will still benefit for the aforementioned reasons.

Session Structure


We begin each session by listening to works in progress submitted by participants. Facilitators and fellow participants offer feedback both technical (tips for improving the arrangement and mix) as well as creative/artistic (ideas, sounds, and samples to consider) that aims to also be relevant and inspiring to the class as a whole. We’ll also ask thought-provoking questions about the works to encourage producers to reflect on their intentions, process, and execution.


When the facilitators notice areas for improvement common among participants, we’ll set aside time to explore those topics in a brief lecture. Lesson topics might include (but are not limited to):