🗓 6 weeks starting May 28th

🕰️ Tuesdays 6pm – 9pm

🗺 Highside Workshop (209 Evergreen Ave)

💰 $100 - $300 sliding scale, pay what you can

📋 Common Application

👥 6-8 people

About the course

If you have a motorcycle and want to learn to fix it yourself, this course is for you! If you don’t have one, but are curious about motorcycles and want to get your hands dirty, this course is for you too! By the end of the course, you should be comfortable tackling basic motorcycle repair and upkeep on your own. Join us!

The main goals of the course are:

Let me back up. This course is ostensibly about fixing old motorcycles, but my real goal (shhh, don’t tell anyone) is to get you comfortable with taking apart, diagnosing, and repairing your built environment. Most of us live our lives surrounded by things that humans built, and those things have a nasty tendency to break. In my experience, my material surroundings feel a lot friendlier when I feel empowered to repair them myself.

Motorcycles are a great vehicle (heh) for gaining confidence in working with your hands for a few reasons: