🗓  Dates: 4 classes, 6/5 - 6/26

🕰️ Time: 2 hour sessions, Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

🗺 Location: Alchemy House, Fort Greene

💰 Tuition: Sliding scale of $150-$450

👥 Class Size: Class limited to 22 students

📋 Apply: Here


This class is for people who want to be parents, or may want to be parents.

Guests will speak on their decision to become parents, their experience with pregnancy and birth, and their new lives with children.


This schedule is tentative, but representative of the topics and speakers we had during Spring Semester.

Class Session Topic Guest Speaker(s)
Wednesday June 5 American Baby Culture None; class is spent in reading groups
Wednesday June 12 Raising Kids in NYC - Parents raising their toddler in NYC in 2024


The teachers


Priya Rose is pregnant and by the time you’re reading this, she’ll probably have a baby ☺️.

She’s a writer, community builder, and former software engineer based in Brooklyn.


**Nicole Ruiz** is mom to Rafa, a sweet and capable 1 year old who loves to dance. She’s a stay-at-home mom, writer, and former hard tech VC.